Happy Hitman Holiday - GET A FREE GAME
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This month, we’re ending the year in style and inviting all players to Paris.
On December 15th, we will release the Hitman Holiday Pack that will allow anyone on PC, PS4 or Xbox One full access to our Paris destination. This FREE download will include the first major story mission from the game, ‘Showstopper’, plus all of the Escalation Contracts we’ve released for Paris, our ‘Holiday Hoarders’ mission plus the Paris Challenge Packs and achievements/trophies too! It will also allow you to play the future re-activated Elusive Targets in Paris.
Sound like a good deal? It is. That’s why the Hitman Holiday Pack is only available for a limited time, from December 15th to January 5th. Once you’ve downloaded it, Paris is yours to keep permanently. All of your progress and mission mastery will carry through to the full game when you choose to upgrade to the Game of the Year Edition we released last month.
You’ll find the Hitman Holiday Pack either through the new in-game store or by searching on Xbox Live, PSN or Steam for “Hitman Holiday Pack”, starting on December 15th.
This time last year, we released the ‘Holiday Hoarders’ mission in Paris and we’re excited to see even more players try it this year. It’s a festive mission, with holiday-themed weapons and decorations, plus a teleporting Santa and two thieves trying to steal presents spread around the Palais de Walewska. As Agent 47, it’s your job to save the day by eliminating these thieves before they can ruin Christmas. As for Santa, you can let him spread Christmas joy or throw a brick at his head and steal his clothes. It’s your call.
If you’re an existing player that already owns Paris, the Holiday Hoarders mission is still available for you to enjoy – and the Santa suit can be unlocked to be worn on all locations.
Here’s a full rundown of what’s included in the Hitman Holiday Pack; available between December 15 2017 and January 5 2018 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One:
ICA Facility Location
- 2 story missions
- 2 Escalation Contracts
- 40+ Challenges
- 17 Xbox achievements / PS Trophies
Paris Location
- ‘Showstopper’ story mission
- ‘Holiday Hoarders’ mission
- 18 Escalation Contracts
- 20 levels of Paris Mastery (including 6 gear/weapon unlocks)
- 100+ Challenges
- 7 Xbox achievements / PS Trophies
- Vampire Magician Challenge Pack
- Secret Santa Challenge Pack (rewards Santa suit unlock)
- Professional Difficulty Level for Paris
- Future Re-activated Elusive Targets in Paris
Take a look at the December Roadmap below for all of the other content coming to HITMAN this month:
That brings our 2017 to a close in terms of blog posts and major communication. We’re already looking forward to a 2018 that will be a very exciting one for us and our players. You’ve hopefully already read the blog post from our CEO on GOTY Launch Day, more specifically that at some point in 2018, we’ll start talking about our next Hitman game.
See you all in 2018!