Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Without Origin Internal-Razor1911 Featured
- Written by Alen
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Origin, software sličan STEAM-u. Servis koji je pokrenuo Electronic Arts koji služi za kupovinu, preuzimanje i igranje igara.
No, da biste igrali igru morate instalirati client (Origin), navodno navedeni software djeluje kao Trojan, otkrivajući proizvođaču Vaše detalje...
Crackerska grupa Razor1911 napravila je mogućnost zaobilaženja potrebne instalacije Origin clienta.
Hvala im na tome...
Game Notes
As bullets whiz by, walls crumble, and explosions throw you to the ground,
the battlefield feels more alive and interactive than ever before. In
Battlefield 3, players step into the role of the elite U.S. Marines where
they will experience heart-pounding single player missions and competitive
multiplayer actions ranging across diverse locations from around the globe
including Europe, Middle-East and North America.
Razor1911 doesn't accept and support the online DRM "Origin" from EA.
This release is dedicated to our fans worldwide who bought this game on
legal way and don't want to install the trojan from Electronic Arts to play
Install Notes
1. Unpack
2. Copy bf3.exe to your install folder
3. Have fun!
Razor 1911 Greetings
EA Trojan - It's in the game...ehm...It was in the game!