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PC igre

SCUM - optimizacija


Igra SCUM još je u povojima (rugs), ima nedostataka koji se vjerujem fino peglaju s obzirom da je sjelo par milja... 
Jedan od nedostataka je konstantan frame drop, barem kod mene... Igra se vrti na 20-40FPS-a, varira dosta i zalaga kada je zombi u prisutnosti...

Ima jedan fini alat kojime se to da riješiti..
Tool se zove RESHADE!

ReShade is an advanced, fully generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more ... ReShade exposes an automated and generic way to access both frame color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make it happen.

Ja sam se malo poigrao sa postavkama i odabrao svoje favorite te ćete vidjeti sliku prije i poslije primjene postavki...
Osim toga, samo da naglasim... U igri postavite postavke na LOW pa onda idete boostati sa RESHADE...

Ide tutorijal...


Download RESHADE i pokrenite ga te odaberite exe od igre...
Od SCUM-a se nalazio ovdje na ovoj putanji: \SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\SCUM\SCUM\Binaries\Win64

RESHADE je exe, nije instalacija...

Odaberete efekte i filtere koje želite od velikog popisa... ja sam odabrao sljedeće...



Klikom na ok potvrdite i ugasite aplikaciju...


Pokrenite igru!

Vidite da se učitavaju elementi...

Sa tipkama SHIFT+F2 ulazite u izbornik za odabir elemata i fini tuning...





Yet Another Zombie Defense

Yet Another Zombie Defense is all about defending yourself against hordes of undead attacking you every night. However, when you're the only survivor struggling against waves of enemies who are getting stronger and stronger, your end is inevitable. The only important question is how long can YOU survive?


Download GRID, play 5min get it forever!


What is GameSessions?

GameSessions lets you download the full version of Grid for free on your own PC.

You need to play this game for 5 minutes before the end of the giveaway to activate it and keep it forever on GameSessions.

If you wish to buy a copy of the game and add it to your Steam™ Library, you can do so instantly in-game.

After purchase we will provide you with a Steam™ key for you to add the game to your Steam™ Library.



Play the game for 5 minutes to activate and keep on GameSessions forever. Activate the game before 5/31/2018 (10AM UTC).



About This Game

Discover a stunning world of motorsport brought to life, from racing muscle cars through the iconic streets of San Francisco and competing in the legendary 24 hours of Le Mans to drifting around the docks of Yokohama. Jump behind the wheel of exhilarating racing cars in the most aggressive, spectacular wheel-to-wheel races you've ever experienced.

Key Features

  • Featuring only the most powerful race cars – current and classic, circuit and drift – players will compete to conquer the most prestigious official race tracks and championships and then go beyond to compete in challenging city-based competitions, through to road events and urban street races.
  • With races crammed with action and incident, high-impact moments will come at you thick and fast, one right after another: engine blows, tyre blow outs, tight overtaking, accidents, opponent cars flipping, spinning, collisions with other cars and trackside objects.
  • From humble beginnings, earning a few thousand dollars a season, build a feared and respected racing team with a multi-million dollar income and complete at dramatic race locations and dominate a multi-disciplined world of racing.
  • In Europe, race prestige Marques, including Aston Martin, Koenigsegg and Pagani, on the greatest official race circuits. Enter street competitions and race high-performance V8 muscle cars through iconic U.S. cities including San Francisco, Washington DC and Detroit. In the Far East, Japanese racing culture sets the tone where night races, including Drift racing, take drivers through neon illuminated cities and to outlying mountain roads.
  • As the antithesis of the box-ticking, plodding single-player race game, Race Driver: GRID delivers a diverse career mode in a persistent world of racing that provides each player with a unique experience as their team writes itself into racing folklore.

System Requirements


  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz or higher
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI Radeon X1300 / Nvidia Geforce 6800
  • Hard Drive: 12.5 GB available space