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Diabetes and the Preventive Power of Coffee!

Diabetes and the Preventive Power of Coffee!

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most rapidly accelerating diseases today in terms of number of people afflicted. Theories abound as to why this is the case; however, scientists are now looking at new ways to improve the overall health of those both at risk for and suffering from this disease.

Many of these scientists have found that drinking coffees can significantly reduce the risk and effects of the disease.

In a recent study done at the Channing Laboratory of the Harvard School of Public Health, at the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, in Boston, Massachusetts, researchers explored the link between long-term coffees consumption and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The study followed over 120,000 men and women for eighteen years. The researchers found that long-term coffees consumption actually reduced insulin resistance, which is the key factor in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Gano Coffee - Can Coffee Be Good For You?

Gano Coffee - Can Coffee Be Good For You?

Coffee, in all sorts, could be a "pick me up drink " or a " real downer-down the shaft-drink" depending on how the person is affected by it. But, do you know that a single cup of coffee-aside from boosting your alertness, perking you up, and even improving your concentration-can actually lead you to addiction: caffeine addiction. While many people think that drinking coffee is a "healthy" habit, some experts say that it's very important for them to remember that coffee's main ingredient is caffeine-a "drug" that can be abused even in mild dosages.

Although now, we all know that too much coffee is bad for our health, most of us cannot help but indulge into this addicting act. Since nutritionists cannot do anything about the world's addiction to coffee, most of them continuously search for alternatives to give people better options. And one of these breakthrough alternatives is Gano coffee.

Made from Ganoderma extract, Gano coffee is considered to be nutritious and healthy beverage.


Coffee Makers

Coffee Makers

If you are a gourmet coffee drinker, you may want to opt for the convenience of your own coffee maker. After all, who wants to get up early and run out to buy a cup of fresh coffee each and every morning? It is so much more enjoyable to sit and sip your coffee while reading the paper in your robe and slippers.

A Cafetiere is a French coffee maker that is also known as a French press. Since no filters are used, this coffee pot makes rich, strong coffee. If you are not going to be able to serve your coffee right away, the Cafetiere is not a good coffee maker to use. This is because if the coffee is left to sit in the Cafetiere, the coffee grounds continue to brew and the coffee grows very bitter.

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