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Path of EXILE, Razer Footprints GIVEAWAY!!!

Path of EXILE, Razer Footprints GIVEAWAY!!!

Want a COOL Razer footprints on your favorite character in PoE?
Here is what you need to do...

Here is the link to the PoE forums thread about this:
This is a giveaway tied to Razer Comms, their in-game communications software.
If you do not already have an account for Razer Comms, you should be able to go directly to this page and you should be able to sign up for Razer Comms without auto-downloading the actual software:
Once you get signed up you do the usual e-mail verification, then you enter your Razer Comms login info here:
Then you'll get a code and you enter that here:
There you go, enjoy!




Last modified onPonedjeljak, 11 Studeni 2013 13:13

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