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Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation (6)

The Skinny on Debt Consolidation

The Skinny on Debt Consolidation

Anyone who has been around a while will tell you that it is much easier to get into debt than it is to get out of it. If you are struggling to make ends meet each month, and are tired of not having enough money to put food on the table, then you should know that there are other options out there besides default or bankruptcy. One of the more common options is debt consolidation.

It is best to pursue the option of debt consolidation before your payments have gone past due, so that your credit rating is still high. In general, debt consolidation is used for unsecured debt, such as credit cards, but can be used for almost any debt you have, providing you can get that amount of money. Lenders will be more willing to work with you and give you a good deal if you are taking the responsibility to admit you are in trouble before it gets bad, so keep that in mind.

Most debt consolidation loans are used to get rid of high-interest credit card debt. People are starting to realize just how much those credit cards are costing them each month, and sooner or later come to the realization that if they don’t do something, they will never get out of debt. The majority of consolidation loans come with much lower interest rates than the average credit card, which in the long-term scheme of things, can save you the most money. Likewise, your interest rate also affects your monthly payment amounts, so this can also save you money every month, so that you have more to put into the household, after your bills are paid.

If you have home equity, you may be able to get a much better deal on the funds you need with a home equity loan. The only downside to this is that you will be signing away your home, and if you default on your payments, could lose it to the lender. The good thing is that you can payoff those debts that have been hanging over your head forever or those credit card bills with rising balances, once and for all. Just be smart and don’t jump right back into debt with a new card once those are paid off, as you will only start back down the right to financial problems, and your loan will have been for nothing. You will need to learn how to live within your means, and save money for those unexpected expenses that are bound to arise, so you don’t feel as though you have to turn to credit cards or other loans for help. If you don’t do this, you will likely make the same mistakes over and over again.

You can even apply for your debt consolidation loan online, if you choose to do so. There are many websites where you can enter your information in, and then receive several quotes in your email within 24 hours. Make sure you carefully compare all of the quotes that you receive, and that you choose a reputable lender. Remember, you are doing this to save money, so if your interest rate ends up being higher than what you already pay, or your payments are more than your current payments, then there is really no need in taking the loan, since it won’t actually help you any in the long-run, and may even make things worse!


The Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation

The Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation

It is really easy to amass a lot of debt without even thinking about it, and you may not even realize it until those payments start getting tougher and tougher to make on time and you start noticing rising interest rates, and even rising balances thanks to fees that you are being assessed. It can get to the point that you can’t even come up with the money for your minimum payments any longer, because the further behind you fall, the more you will be required to pay each month to stay afloat. In this situation, you may be quick to think that debt consolidation could be the answer that you are looking for, after all, you will likely end up with less money being spent each month towards payments, and may even end up with lower interest rates, but you have to really put some thought into this, as it isn’t always the easy answer that it seems to be!


The Basics of Debt Consolidation Loans

The Basics of Debt Consolidation Loans

More and more people in the world today are heading down a risky road, a road that can lead them to financial devastation in a hurry. All it takes is the loss of a job, illness, injury, or some other emergency, and they could end up losing their homes, their cars, and facing bankruptcy in the blink of an eye. When you are so overextended that you can barely afford to make all of your minimum payments on time each month, you need to wise up and take action, sooner rather than later. For most people, the action they take is in the form of a debt consolidation loan.


Obtaining a Debt Consolidation Loan with a Low Interest Rate Isn’t All That Difficult

Obtaining a Debt Consolidation Loan with a Low Interest Rate Isn’t All That Difficult

Oftentimes, by the time we wake up and realize that we are in financial trouble, it is already too late, and our credit rating has already been damaged. It is hard for some of us to admit that we can’t pay our bills, so we keep looking on the bright side and thinking that we can get caught up, but before you know it, our credit score has gone down the tubes, which will make it much harder for us to get back on track. One of the more common ways of getting your financial situation straight, particularly if you have a lot of unsecured debt, is with a debt consolidation loan, which can be very hard to obtain if your credit rating has already plummeted into the blackened depths of credit Hell. You know that you need to obtain a debt consolidation loan that can give you a better interest rate, and lower monthly payments, but you also know that you have little chance of getting one. Well, the good news is that there are some options that you may not be thinking about, that could go a long way towards helping you get your financial situation and your credit rating back on track!


Debt Consolidation Loan- How to Spot A Good Deal

Debt Consolidation Loan- How to Spot A Good Deal

Debt consolidation loans are becoming widely known as the best way to get yourself out a bad financial situation, and possibly save your credit in the process. While that is true, you need to be really careful when going this route, because it is easy to look at the numbers and assume that you are getting a better deal, when in actuality, it may not be such a good deal when you factor in the term and interest on the loan. The first step in debt consolidation is to crunch the numbers on your existing debt, know how much you owe, how much interest you pay, how much that debt will cost you five years from now, and how much money you pay out each month in minimum payments.

When you do a debt consolidation loan, you are borrowing enough money to payoff as many debts as possible, typically credit cards, medical bills, car loans, student loans, everything but your mortgage basically. You combine all of those payments into one, meaning that you only have to worry about one payment and one due date, rather than several. In some instances, you may be able to get a lower monthly payment, which can provide relief from a strained and stressful financial situation when you are severely over-extended. If you can also gain a lower interest rate, you can really come out on top in these deals, if you are careful. There are many benefits to be gained from a good debt consolidation loan, but you have to make certain you know what you are getting into from the start.

Your lender is not going to tell you that you may not be getting a good deal, as they want your business, so that responsibility lies completely on your shoulders. If you have already had some accounts reported negatively to the credit bureau, you should know that you may not be able to get the interest rate that you are looking for, especially if you don’t have any collateral that you can list. If this is the case, the only way you will really be able to secure a lower monthly payment is if you extend the length of the loan, which will end up costing you a lot of money in accrued interest, which could potentially cost you even more money in the end. You could quite easily pay more than twice what your original debt amount was, by the end of the term of the loan.

So, while debt consolidation loans can be a great thing, you have to know what you are doing, and be able to look at the big picture. Remember that lower monthly payments are not always a good thing if it means that you will be paying on that debt for years and years to come. You will need to be able to run the numbers and see how much the loan will really cost you when compared with your current debt. If you can’t do this on your own, take along a trusted friend or family member for help; don’t rely on the banker to do this for you!


Clear up Your Financial Situation with Debt Consolidation/Credit Counseling Programs

Clear up Your Financial Situation with Debt Consolidation/Credit Counseling Programs

When it comes to debt consolidation, it will do you no good to obtain that loan and payoff your debts if you don’t learn how to better manage your money, to keep from going into debt again in the future. If your credit has been impacted already, and you don’t have sufficient collateral to obtain a debt consolidation loan, then you may end up having to use a credit counseling company to help you manage your debt, and learn how to budget and handle money better.

When you call or email a credit counseling organization, such as Money Management International for one, you will likely first talk with a certified counselor. The counselor will talk with you about your current financial situation, the cause of the situation, and take a look at your income and debts, to help you decide the best route for you to take to clear everything up. In some instances, you may be so far in debt that there is nothing they can do for you, so they may suggest that you go ahead and start the bankruptcy process, but this is a rare occurrence. Typically, they will help set you up with a program, called a Debt Management Program that is designed to help you get out of debt, and learn about financial management in the process.

The counselor will take a close look at your credit report and your income, and will help come up with a budget and a payment amount that you can afford. They will then contact your creditors, and try to negotiate to get your payments lowered down as far as possible, the interest rates slashed, and the fees stopped, so that more of your money is used to payoff your bills. Once the creditors notify the counselor that they have accepted their terms, you will make one monthly payment to the counseling agency that will then be sent to your creditors each month.

There are many companies all over television and the Internet that claim to be certified credit counseling agencies, but you should really take the time to do your homework, as not all of them are legitimate. You may want to check with the Better Business Bureau, and other sources to verify the reputation and validity of a company before disclosing your personal information or sending any money to them.

Some people are concerned that enrolling in such a program will only further impact their credit rating, but that really is not the case. You should look at your report prior to starting the program, and then check it randomly afterwards, to make certain your payments are being credited properly, and that your accounts are no longer being reported in a negative way. You should know that with the new laws surrounding bankruptcy, you are required to be in a program such as this for at least six months, before you can file. The hope is that you will find that the Debt Management Plan will work so well for you that you will no longer feel the need to file bankruptcy, and that you will learn money management skills that will keep you from getting into a similar situation in the future!

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