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Beef up your Coffee Collection with Braun 4 Cup Espresso Carafes

by: Lorna Mclaren
If you love your coffee you are in the right site. If you are keen on having the best coffee accessories then this is the place to find out all about the Braun 4 Cup Espresso Carafe. If your coffee is as important to you as my coffee is to me then read on. 

Braun 4 Cup Espresso Carafes pour one mean cup of coffee. Experts all rave about the added perks that the Braun 4 Cup Espresso Carafes have compared to your standard coffee pot drip and espresso machines. Most of these compliments are about coffee that blows their mind, or how they closed their eyes and could imagine themselves on a gondola in Venice, Italy. And that’s coming from the experts. Imagine what the espresso from the Braun carafe will do to your friends and to your social life. 

Firstly, the Braun 4 cup espresso carafes get your espresso to the perfect temperature which is essential. Believe it or not, most coffee makers, even the espresso makers, fail to get the proper water and coffee temperature. This leaves your coffee lifeless, since proper liquid temperatures are essential for the optimal extraction of coffee bean oils. Why should you not enjoy the full flavor of the bean? 

Expert tests on these Brauns, though, show that they get liquid temperatures more than 10 degree Fahrenheit higher than other machines. For those curious about exactly what level of heat we’re talking, the carafes should have upwards of 200 degrees by the end of brewing. Other lesser machines keep the temperatures down around 180 to 185 degrees.This is a big difference temp and consequently in the flavour of the coffee produced. 

The Braun 4 cup espresso carafes also do an excellent job of making sure all of your grounds are used. The more ground that are used up then the more coffee flavor will filter through for you to enjoy. You want to make sure your machine has a proper dispersion pattern in the filter basket with its steam output. That way, as much as possible will be “spent grounds”. The Braun didn’t leave too many spent grounds, according to experts, though it did leave some. This, however, is no reason to pass on this mean coffee machine. For such great tasting coffee some things are forgivable. 

Possibly the finest feature of the machine is its high-quality stainless steel carafe. A stylish addition to any kitchen decor. Many Braun 4 cup espresso carafes come with a “brew-through” design. This means that you don't need to place a lid on it after brewing, or clamp down a lid for that matter. Even after letting it sit around for a couple of hours, the carafe still should retain a lot of those high temperatures we talked about earlier. As for cleaning, the stainless steel should not be much more of a bother compared with glass pots. 

All you need now is to make the calls, gather the friends and sit an enjoy the scents and tastes of Italy from the comfort of your own kitchen all through the tantalizing aroma of coffee expertly brewed. Salute!

Coffee: Is It Getting Too Complicated?

by: Eileen Church
Plain coffee is fast becoming a thing of the past. It's now quite simple to whip up a gourmet hot beverage for guest, family, or just for yourself. Nowadays there are a number of coffee clubs and circles in which coffee drinking has become somewhat of a social club. These social clubs meet in the community or on the Internet. 

Where did the good old days go where you could get just a regular, good cup of coffee all across America. 

It's all because there is a big craze over coffee these days. People are almost worshipping the coffee bean now. People get a thrill out of ordering and buying special coffees from specialty stores. They really like grinding their own coffee beans. They like visiting places such as Costa Rica and bringing back their special blends. And "coffee tasting" seems to be about as popular as "wine tasting". 

They even have furniture and home interior designs with a coffee theme. This would make great gifts for the coffee buff. 

Coffee got its beginnings around 900 A.D. where it was at first used as a stimulant. It was also at times used as a wine and a medicine. It doesn't look like anything is much different today. 

There are not many products such as coffee that have continued "as is" for hundreds of years. And yet people are still scrutinizing and getting creative with it today and probably will be for years to come. 

What is also interesting is that coffee is second to oil in dollar volume as a world commodity. 

Did you know that there is two times more caffeine in a pound of tea than in the same amount of roasted coffee? This may be good news for those of you who hate the taste of decaffeinated coffee however wait just one moment. A pound of tea will make about 160 cups whereas a pound of coffee will usually make about 40 cups. This means that a cup of tea has about 1/4th the caffeine of a cup of coffee. 

The content of caffeine in coffee decreases as it is grown at higher altitudes. If you want less caffeine in your coffee, grow it higher. Gourmet coffees are typically grown at higher altitudes so they have less caffeine than their grocery store counterparts. 

There are many different types of coffee beans and way too many to describe in this article. Here are just a few of them: 

You have Latte, Espresso, Low-Fat, Organic, Cal, Decaf, Half-Decaf, Black Forest, Cappuccino, Cafe au Lait, Alpine which has brown sugar, Arabian (lightly spiced and without filter), Cafe con Miel (Spanish for coffee with honey), and Cafe de Olla (a sweet coffee made with chocolate). 

And you really should attend a coffee tasting at least once. You will get to experience how making and brewing gourmet coffee is slowly becoming a form of art. What is fun about the coffee tasting is that you could get a chance to taste two dozen or more different blends. You may even leave to start your journey as a coffee connoisseur. Any way you look at it, the tasting experience will be fun if you like coffee.

Coffee Makers For Different Coffee Types

by: Peter Mason
There is nothing quite like waking up in the morning, stumbling to the kitchen and finding your favourite coffee brewed and waiting for you. Of all the drinks in the world, coffee seems to have universal appeal. But if you have ever travelled you quickly discovered that one person’s coffee can be quite different from another’s. 

A World Wide Business—Coffee Types 

Coffee is grown on five different continents and dozens of countries around the world. There are coffee plantations in Columbia and much of South America. There are hundreds of plantations in Africa. The growing region expands to the east and west including the West Indies, Sumatra, and Java. 

All of the coffee growing regions are in tropical zones within 30 degrees or so of the Equator. While all coffee grows in bean form, there are different types or varieties of coffee plants, hence the many different coffee types. 

Roasting and Brewing 

Although plant variety can affect the taste of coffee, the way it is handled following harvesting has a great deal to do with the flavour as well. 

Some coffee beans are naturally roasted. These generally produce the darker and bitterer tasting coffees. The sun does the roasting and then the grinding and brewing take care of the rest of the flavourful attributes. 

There are many different recipes for a great cup of coffee and variations on how they are served. The cooking methods require specific kitchen gadgetry to help make the best rated coffees. 

From Coffee Makers to Cappuccino and Espresso 

There are different types of cappuccino, espresso and coffee makers on the market. Each of these appliances is designed to make specific coffee types. Cappuccino is a rich, dark coffee whose recipe originated in Italy. It is a milder version of Espresso, but not as light as “city” coffee. 

Espresso is made by high heat and pressure which produces a thicker and more potent cup of coffee. 

This is usually served in much smaller cups and quantities because of how strong it is. 

Electric machines are making their way from the restaurant into many home kitchens. The cleaning and care including the job to decalcify are made easier by the popularity of stainless steel appliances. There are coffee makers also that do all of the jobs of creating the perfect mug of coffee right on your counter top and even while you sleep. The grind and brew combination machines are the ideal way to get the freshest cup of coffee possible. 

Decaf and coffee types that contain caffeine can be equally as appealing to the taste buds. An important fact to remember is that just because a coffee type taste strong, it does not necessarily contain more caffeine. On the other hand, a decaf cup of coffee will taste and smell just as good, but without the health concern of having too much caffeine. The process with all of the new recipes available at coffee shops, restaurants and even at home, it is possible for anyone to make the best rated coffee around. This includes caffeine and decaf varieties.
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