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Checking Your Credit Score

If you are trying to obtain a car loan or buying a house, you will want to make sure you know what your credit score is. The decision regarding whether you will obtain credit and your interest rate will most likely be determined by your credit score.

You will want to check your credit score on a regular basis to assure that the information is correct. The lenders want a concise brief overview of your credit history in order to determine if you are a good credit risk. The credit score provides this information. The higher your credit score, the better off you are as far as being approved for a loan and paying a lower interest rate.

The Fair Isaac Corporation has devised a calculator to assess all of the information and then to make the determination about the credit score. The three major credit agencies use this information. However, sometimes the information is inaccurate so make sure you regularly check your credit information to assure the information is current and correct.

However, your credit score is not the only information that creditors look at. They will also look at how long you have lived at your current address, salary, how long you have been at your current job, bill paying history and the amount of debt that you have.

The Fair Isaac Corporation gives each one of these factors a percentage and then the combination is your score. The scores range between 300 and 800. The higher your score, the better credit rating you have.

If you are interested in checking your credit score, ask for a copy of your credit report. If there are errors on the report, contact the credit bureau and let them know. Then recheck your report again in a few weeks. If the information has not been corrected, submit something to them in writing and ask them to respond or to correct the error.

It is not uncommon to find errors. Once you review it, you may be surprised by what you find. You may find out dated information, inaccurate information and partial reports. Your creditors may follow up with them on a semi regular basis and the information may not be current.

Once you review the information, you may want to contact them directly with questions. There are also agencies that offer free services to assist you with negotiating with the creditors to reduce your payments and to discuss payment options.

Most creditors will work with you if you have extenuating circumstances and may need more time to pay off the debt or to negotiate a settlement. Try to work with your creditors so that you are able to improve your score and hopefully, lower your interest rates.


Understanding Your Beacon Credit Score

There are three major credit reporting agencies which are Equifax, Experian and Transunion. They all have different formulas that they use to determine credit scores. The beacon credit score is detailed in the Equifax report. It is a program that uses statistics to compare scores and assess account performances.

Fair Isaac Company uses a software program to determine these scores. The higher your credit score, the better. The range is between 300 to 800. Most consumers have an average score of approximately 600.

If you are applying for credit, you will want a response as quickly as possible. This system allows for quick decisions because all of the data is compiled and combined into a credit score.

They look at a variety of factors including your credit history, how long you have been at your current job, salary, how long you have been at your current address and amount of outstanding debt. If you are not sure what your credit score is, you need to request a copy of your credit report.

If you have been denied credit, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act states that the creditor has to notify you as to why you are being denied credit. If there is any information that is incorrect you will want to contact that creditor and correct the information.

If you have been denied credit ask for additional information such as if a credit score was used. Inquire as to the factors that entered into their decision. You may want to ask for advice from them as to what you can do to obtain credit from them. If you are approved, ask them if you are receiving the best terms or rates, and if the rate can be lowered in the future if you pay in a timely fashion.

Keep in mind that if you have a low credit score, you may be denied credit or will have pay a higher interest rate. So essentially, a low score is going to cost you more.

Creditors want to be paid back with interest. It is as simple as that. However, some people borrow money and then disappear or file bankruptcy and then creditors lose out. They want to be able to find you if you owe them money.

You can negotiate with creditors. If you owe a creditor a lot of money, ask if they will reduce the amount you owe if you pay them back in a lump sum. Or let them know if you lost your job or suffered a pay cut, and are just getting back on your feet. It is to the creditor’s advantage to work with you so that you are able to pay them back.

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