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Infinity Blade – Epic and Chair’s iOS game

Infinity Blade (iOS)
I don’t own an iPod Touch, iPad or iPhone and for that I feel woefully inadequate as a tech-junky.  A while ago a friend of mine showed me Epic Citadel on his iPhone. I was impressed! Here was an iOS tech demo running the Unreal Engine 3 but all I could think about was why nobody had made an actual game yet.


Novi Apple iOS 4.1 uspješno HAKNUT!

  • Published in Osobna

Apple iOS 4.1

Najnovija verzija Appleovog iOS-a 4.1 dostupna je od 8. rujna za iPhone i iPod Touch. Što je to novoga? HD-Video-Upload, HDR fotografije, fiksiranje bugova, ali iOS 4.1 neće biti dostupan za iPad koji će još morati pričekati.

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