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Anti Aging Antioxidants

Extensive studies have been done on cell division in the human body and these show that cells can divide for a certain fixed number of times during the lifetime of a human being. Based on these studies scientists have concluded that most of the cells in the body will have finished using about 50% of their quota of cell-divisions by the time a person reaches the age of 20. Furthermore, by the time a person reaches the age of 40, the cells will have used up about 70% of their cell-division quota and have just 30% remaining. This explains why a person undergoes the physical changes that they do on the outside as well as the inside of the body as they age.

When these cells eventually use up the cell divisions that were naturally allotted to them, it results in the death of the person. This is an unavoidable occurrence that cannot be stopped. However scientists have discovered a way that this process may be retarded. Researchers have raised everyone’s hope by finally succeeded in finding a way to rejuvenate the lifespan of the cells and rejuvenate them.

So what are the causes of aging?

In recent days a large amount of scientific research is focused on trying to find a solution to the age-old dilemma of aging. From these studies it appears that the main culprits are free radicals- the higher the number of radicals that are present in your body, the more rapidly your body ages.

Free radicals are unstable, harmful substances that are a product of oxidation, a process that occurs naturally in the body. By themselves free radicals do not cause any harm. In fact, free radicals could benefit your body in some ways. The only problem with them is that they are incapable of distinguishing between harmful molecules and unhealthy molecules. This means that the possibility is very high that your healthy cells could also be attacked by them, causing massive tissue damage as well as cellular damage. This could eventually result in various chronic disorders or diseases, including aging.

Anti Aging Antioxidants – The Answer to Aging

The anti-aging-oxidants discovery has finally given Scientists a breakthrough in their continuous search to find the perfect solution to aging. Anti aging antioxidants are very distinct substances whole only function is acting on free radicals and preventing them from causing any damage to cell tissues. Though anti aging antioxidants substances that occur naturally, the body is incapable of producing them without any help. In fact human beings are dependant on plants for getting their supply of anti aging antioxidants.

Vegetables such as carrots, squash, potatoes, cabbages and cauliflower are the main sources of vitamins that behave like anti aging antioxidants.


Anti-Aging Antioxidants Help Fight Free Radical Damage

If you are interested in combating the signs of aging, you will need to try a multitude of products that will help you prevent wrinkles, lines and creases. There are a variety of products available such as creams, lotions, cosmetics, surgery, botox, and natural, herbal products.

Experts agree that cell division occurs in people throughout their entire life. Most of this occurs before the age 20. As the cells divide and when a person reaches the age of 40, there is about 30% left of cells left to divide. This then explains the physical appearance of aging.

Once the cells stop dividing, a person dies. It eventually is unavoidable and cannot be regulated. However, scientists have come up with ways to slow down this process.

So how did you wake up and discover that you have aged. How did this happen? Scientists have been working on ways to thwart this process. They have determined that if you have a high amount of free radicals, your body will age faster.

Free radicals are caused by oxidation and the process occurs naturally. They move about freely and are unable to discern healthy molecules from unhealthy molecules.

The battle begins from the inside out. Take warning that you need to exercise, quit smoking, if you do and drink plenty of water. Physicians recommend that you eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that contain necessary vitamins and minerals.

Also, keep in mind that you can take steps to improve your skin’s overall appearance. If you do not have a regular moisturizing routine,, you may want to consider using in the morning and at night. It will keep your skin smooth and hydrated. Moisturizer also helps improve the overall look of your face and it minimizes wrinkles. Once you cleanse your face, you should apply a moisturizer, that will work while you sleep. In the morning apply moisturizer before putting on your makeup.

The pollutants in the air and the food we eat release chemicals which are bad for you. These chemicals can cause damage to the collagen and elasticity in our skin which then causes wrinkles and sagging skin. Antioxidants are found in facial products and pills and they can protect and prevent further damage to the skin.

As we age, it is a good idea to assure that we are getting enough vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy diet. Some vitamins are more critical than others. Make sure you eat plenty of foods that are rich in Vitamin B such as fish, poultry, leafy green vegetables, eggs, beans and peas. This will help with preventing memory loss and will also lower your chances of getting cardiac disease.

Other foods to consider eating are carrots, potatoes, cabbage and broccoli. All of these vegetables are rich in antioxidants and are very healthy.

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