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The Opera alternative

Security flaws have long plagued Internet Explorer (IE), the market-dominating web browser from Microsoft. IE won the early browser wars, not only because it was free and bundled with Windows, but because it had some features and capabilities that its only real competitor, Netscape, didn't have. But the behind-the-scenes programming that makes those features possible is the very coding that also leaves wide gaps in IE's defenses against viruses and malicious scripting. Among several browser alternatives for Windows users, the Opera browser stands out in functionality and integration, and is gaining a wider following as a safer surfing alternative to Internet Explorer. 

To be sure, there are other browsers such as the one from Mozilla and their newest release, Firefox. There are several flavors of IE "overlays", which use the core IE programming for web page display, and thus aren't any safer than the original IE. (You should of course always use anti-virus software to protect your PC, regardless of browser. Many viruses arrive as email attachments, and opening those on a Windows-based PC will cause problems). Among non-IE browsers, it seems to be down to a two-horse race between Mozilla and Opera. 

Opera, from Oslo, Norway, based Opera Software ASA, provides many popular features. An integrated email client, contact book, bookmarks with searchable notes, tabbed multiple windows, a built-in password manager, a pop-up blocker, multiple language support, saved sessions, privacy controls, built-in chat, and the ability to read RSS feeds from within Opera mail make the Opera browser a very powerful and worthwhile IE replacement candidate. 

Unless you have special need for IE, such as a browser toolbar or web interaction software that you use, there is really no reason not to give Opera a try if you're worried about safe surfing. While Opera does have a paid version, you can also download a sponsored version (with ads unobtrusively placed in the browser control area), which is free.


The Problems with Blogs

What in the world is up with the world of blogs? Blogs are meant to be this great new technology where people can share their ideas and interests with others around the globe. As far as I’m concerned the state of blogs is one of chaos, confusion, and anti-interactivity. The other day I decided to do some research on the Web and try to connect to some blog writers out there that interested me. Let me tell you it was not an enjoyable task as I had envisioned. I spent four painful hours surfing through around a thousand on-line journals, and I found only a few that interested me. What are we doing out there people? 

First of all, just getting to a blog can be a pain in the arse. For example, you type in the words ‘Philosophy blogs’ and a whole bunch of sites come up. Some are conglomerate sites with thousands of journals, but the area you’re searching for may have only one blog in it! This is because they separate the blogs into a million different categories, like ‘love’, ‘lovers’, ‘lovable’ etc. Why not have just a few main categories to choose from? 

The next problem is the content. People with ‘philosophical’ blogs are having personal chats with their mates about the local dance competition on Tuesday! Why not go to a chat room if you just want to talk to your friends? Blogs are supposed to be a personal viewpoint expressed to the whole Web community. Wouldn’t you actually like to meet more people like yourself? How is this going to happen if you talk in strange uncommon slang and acronyms that you and your friends can only understand? Please stick to the subject at hand, and take it at least half seriously. 

Another major problem is the fact that you can find a really cool blog that sparks an interest, but then find that the writer hasn’t added an entry in over a year! What’s it doing on the Net? Have these people passed away? I seriously doubt it, as there are so many blogs in this ‘lost’ state. Having a blog is a responsibility; it’s a shared diary for the whole community. How can someone form a relationship if you only write in your blog once a millennium? 

Back to the subject of content: These on-line journals are a real chance to communicate regularly with others with similar views to yourself. We can learn a lot from each other, as each human is an individual with special traits and skills that only they have. So why do we see so many blogs just talking about trivial nonsense like ‘Who the coolest movie actor is.’ Humanity is an intelligent species evolving everyday towards a higher consciousness. So where are all the thinkers out there, the people who have taken us to the next levels of spirituality and scientific exploration? I’d really like to hear what you’ve got to say, but all I can find are philosophical beliefs on why died pink jeans express one’s true inner self. 

The issue of making comments on someone’s blog is also a controversial one. Why have comments sections if you’re not going to reply to people who have expressed an interest in what you’ve had to say? How is this community going to function if all the conversation is one-way! Come on people, wake up and smell the onions! Let’s change the blogging community into the awesome structure of shared knowledge that it was intended for. Please don’t let it turn into the small-talk world of chat rooms.


The Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should Ignore by Kai Chandler

The Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should Ignore 

The internet is undoubtedly a fantastic resource for 
families and offers a rich vein of educational content. 
However, there are potential dangers - welcome to the 
seedy world of viruses, spam, trojans, pornography, spyware 
and other nasties. 

Here are the Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should 

1. Viruses - A computer program that copies itself. They 
often disrupt your computer system or damage your data. 
Viruses are usually received by email attachments so be 
careful opening anything from a dubious source. They can 
affect anyone, for example, the destructive Mydoom worm 
affected one out of three small and mid-sized businesses. 

2. Spyware - Sends information about you and your computer 
to somebody else. Spyware may send the addresses of sites 
you have visited or worse still, transmit personal 
information. With today's concerns about identify theft 
this is a real worry. For example, CoolWebSearch may hijack 
web searches, home page, and other Internet Explorer 
settings. Spyware is normally received as part of shareware 
or freeware downloaded from the web. 

3. IP Spoofing - A technique to gain unauthorized access 
to computers, whereby the intruder sends messages to a 
computer with an address indicating that the message is 
coming from a trusted host. 

4. Trojans - An apparently legitimate computer program 
that is really intended to disrupt and damage computer 
activity by sending information, perhaps even passwords 
onto a third party without you knowing. As an example, 
recent emails entitled "Osama Bin Laden Captured" attempted 
to download the "Trj/Small.B." Trojan if the embedded URL 
was clicked. This trojan attempts to hijack the PC. 

5. Spam - Unsolicited mail often promoting products of a 
dubious financial or sexual nature. Don't leave your email 
address on websites and internet bulletin boards as they 
are harvested by spammers. 

6. Adware - puts advertisements on your screen. These take 
many forms including popups, popunders and advertisements 
that appear later, even if your browser is closed. Some are 
sent using the Windows Messenger service which allows a 
spammer to direct an advertisement straight to your 
computer by sequentially sending messages to IP addresses. 
Always irritating, they are also often of a pornographic 

7. Diallers - for those of us still with dial up modems, 
dialler programs redirect calls to a very expensive number. 
You won't know until you get the bill. 

8. Hijackers - Hijackers take control of your web browser 
and may reset your home page, search bar and search pages. 
They can redirect you to undesirable sites or stop you 
going to particular sites. 

9. Hackers - With so much personal data available online 
to anyone with a password you must be sure your password is 
secure. If you are using your mother's maiden name, your 
cat's name or your birthday then your password is at risk. 
Here are two tips for making a secure password. Method One - 
pick two random unrelated three letter words and two 
digits. Mix them up and what do you have? A secure password 
such as "red19cat" or "hotpin73". Method Two - pick a short 
sequence of words such as Now Is The Winter Of Our 
Discontent Made Glorious' and you have a password of 
"nitwoodmg". You could even change the I's and O's to 

10. Phishing - Emails purporting to come from reliable 
sources such as Paypal, Ebay or your bank. Often wanting 
you to verify your account details, they can look very 
realistic but are generally scams to harvest usernames and 
passwords. Always open a new browser winder and type the 
address there, rather than clicking on the link provided. 

11. Hoaxes - Chain letters, scams, false alarms. At best 
they take up time and bandwidth but at worst vulnerable can 
be victims of fraud. Pass it on! 

12. Stranger-danger - For those of us with children - do 
you know what they actually do when they are online? Are 
they working on homework tasks, downloading illegal music 
or pornography? Or are they chatting to strangers in chat 
rooms? You should consider blocking access to undesirable 
sites and logging their activity with a surveillance tool. 
Oh, and don't forget that where children are concerned, 
computers should always be kept in a family room and never 
in their bedroom. 

Three Step Action Plan 

There are three essential steps that should be taken to 
ensure your PC is kept threat-free. 

Firstly, be sensible when opening attachments or following 
email instructions from apparently reputable sites. 

Secondly, make sure you are using the latest service pack 
of Windows as Microsoft is continually closing loopholes to 
tighten up security. 

Finally, there's a range of low cost tools such as 
firewalls, antivirus, spam blockers and spyware killers 
available. Like everything else they vary in quality and 
you tend to get what you pay for so always do your research 
first and perhaps try a free trial before getting your 
credit card out. specializes in providing 
reviews and recommendations of top-rated tools to help 
protect your online experience. There's a quick reference 
list to dozens of top sites promoting different aspects of 
safe surfing packed with useful information and there's 
also a great set of top tips for safe surfing. 

Copyright Kai Chandler (#12t5109) 

About the author:
Kai Chandler is a project manager and journalist 
particularly interested in tools and techniques to protect 
his family and computer against spam, porn, viruses and 
malware. As a father of two he is keen to ensure that 
his children enjoy a safe surfing surfing experience. His 
reviews of the very best parental internet filters, 
anti-virus, anti-spam, anti-spyware and surveillance tools 
are at http://www.surfcontrols.comIt's essential reading 
for any parent and computer owner.


The Ultimate Source of Knowledge at Your Fingertips

When I was young, and that wasn't very long ago (I'm just about to reach my thirtieth birthday), information wasn't easy to get. When it came to education and research about specific issues and ideas one would usually go to the library or possibly to see a professional in the area of interest for a chat. If you go back further to tribal times, (still only a quick blink of the Universal Eye) one would go and see the wise elders whose knowledge was perceived as paramount. These missions or searches for truth usually meant long hours of waiting for books to be found (if they were available) and waiting in queues. In the case of talking to people in the know it meant organizing a time to meet that fit into both of your schedules (if they were willing to spare you any of their valuable time). With the advent of the Internet times have now changed remarkably and this enigmatic tool for information sharing has circumnavigated the knowledge searches of old. We are now entering into an era where knowledge is literally at our fingertips. No more books, queues, or in-person interviews will even be necessary. 

The amount of time saved and the massive deposit of information that we now have access to could lead to a whole new way of humanity living life and sharing knowledge. The Internet is new, and some people are pessimistic about the huge amounts of false, misleading, and unproven ideas that we have to sift through to get to the right stuff. Some even think that the amount of information available is causing the modern person's mind to be an over stimulated mass-confusion of ideas both true and false and often irrelevant to one's personal life. The massive proportion of the Internet that has been subsequently taken over and filled with sites of pornography shocks me greatly. Nonetheless, I do believe these to be the natural 'bugs' that appear with any new contributing element of human society, and in time the true role of the Internet will shine through as its purpose starts to gain momentum and fruition. 

First of all, the wide range of sources available on any one specific area is astounding. You can get multiple viewpoints from experts from all over the world. If you want to make sure that the information is correct or properly founded, you can read others' views on the subject in question as well as researching into the researcher themselves, finding out if their studies are based on reputable means and processes. 

If you are interested in information from varied areas E.g.: philosophy and astrophysics, you no longer need to spend time traveling from one library to another, or having to tote your bags from the third floor to the fifth. In the space of fifteen minutes one can read on guitar, skateboarding, African dancing, and the politics of Marx. If you do go to university, libraries are now on-line with most of the texts available to download. No more late fees for not returning a book because your car skidded and hit a tree trying to bring it back it in a blizzard! 

We still need to talk with the ones 'in the know', the perceived wise people of our now global community. The chiefs and shamans of old have now dwindled in rank but there are more people than ever before that specialize in particular fields of knowledge. With email, MSN Messenger, and Skype types of on-line communication we can now get in touch with people instantly. Web-cams mean you can have a conversation with a fellow brain surgeon from the other side of the world face-to-face, just before that operation where the right information might make or break the outcome. You can communicate with groups of people that otherwise you may have never come into physical contact with. In medieval times it was rare to ever leave the local village and meet the people who lived only ten miles away. Now there are chat rooms and forums where people who are interested in the same things as you can get together and have informative discussions on relevant issues and topics. Political and national boundaries dissolve under the need and want to share knowledge with those of like mind. 

What does all this truly mean for humanity? It could mean we save time, meaning more time to spend doing the things in life which are really important to us like being with loved ones and following dreams and aspirations. It could mean the ability to solve problems in areas that minutes before you could have been steeped in ignorance. Possibly it spells the beginning for a whole society to evolve into a more informed species whose knowledge is widespread and varied. Whatever the outcome from the coming of this great medium, one fact remains: People are more prone to find the answers to their quests when the ultimate source of our collective understanding is close at hand and easily accessible.


Things to look for when buying a computer microphone

Computer microphones are a valuable addition to any PC and they greatly increase interactivity and communication levels. You can use a microphone for performing various tasks, both business and fun related. For example, you can hold a conference with your business partners, over the Internet, or you can chat with your friends online, instead of doing that on the phone. Of course, in order to enjoy accurate and high quality communication, you have to choose a good PC microphone. There is a huge variety of models on the market, ranging from microphones that you can buy for a few dollars and going all the way to expensive, high tech desktop microphones. So which PC microphone is right for you? 

Price Vs Quality 

You can pay $5 for a microphone, or you can pay $50. So where’s the difference, apart from the price? Well, cheap microphones have low prices for some good reasons: they offer average to low quality sound, they break down more easily and you can’t use them successfully in all applications that support a microphone. The materials they are manufactured from have to be cheap, which eliminates the idea of high quality, so the end product is of lower reliability. And at this price, you can be sure bulk manufacturing is present and quality tests are quick and far from rigorous. Microphones that come for a higher price have, in most cases, better sound quality and more features. Such microphones will have noise canceling filters, which help diminish background noise. Distortion filters and integrated circuits also help keep voice sounds clear and accurate. The materials used for more expensive microphones also last longer – plastic doesn’t crack so easily and if you drop it on the floor you know that the internal components are well protected. 

Choosing the right computer microphone 

Determining what price range you are in and what model to purchase depends heavily on the purpose you have in mind for the microphone. Are you going to use it just to chat with friends online? In that case, spending a lot of money on a professional computer microphone is not justified. Do you plan to hold business conferences over the Internet? Then maybe you should get a better microphone that will allow the discussion to be continuous and clear, without noise distortion. Giving vocal commands to your computer or dictating to word processing software with speech recognition capabilities is another use for desktop microphones. Quality should be first here – speech recognition software is very sensitive and demands a high quality microphone and sound card. Recording your voice and inserting it into music tracks is possible, but a high quality microphone is absolutely essential in this case.


Tips For Safer Computing Online

New computer viruses threaten the unwary user everyday. Hackers 
jeopardize your online security with invasive computer techniques to 
steal your passwords, personal information, even identity. 

Unscrupulous marketers bait you with free software that unleashes 
spyware, trojans, or worms, on your system. 

While other marketers bombard you with popups at every turn. And 
others send unsolicited spy emails asking you to click links to unsafe websites that install threating software on your computer, or try to download your private information. 

These are only a few of the security issues involved while online. 

Read through the following list to arm your computer and protect yourself against these vicious and often malicious online attacks. 

1. Install a good anti-virus software. 
Here's a good free anti-virus software... 
Fr** AVG Anti-Virus...... 
New - AVG Fr** Edition is now available for all single home users 
worldwide! More detailed information can be found in the AVG Free 
Edition License Agreement. 
Click Here To Download: 

2. Install a personal firewall. 
This personal firewall is one of the best online.... 

3. Install a good pop up blocker. 
Google has a free pop up blocker so does Yahoo. The only drawback 
is you will have to download and install their toolbar. 

4. Know Privacy Policy. 
Read the websites privacy policy before releasing personal information. 
Note do they share or sell your information with third parties. If they do you might reconsider releasing your personal information. 

5. Passwords. 
Never use easy to guess passwords like your favorite color, your social security number, your birthdate, words less than six characters. Mix up passwords with combinations of numbers and symbols. 

6.Virus Warnings. 
Don't forward virus warnings you receive in emails. It's not your 
job to warn others. And you might be circulating a fake warning 
designed to scare receivers into downloading trojans or removing 
important files on their computer. 

7. Keep It Secret. 
Don't give your password to anyone. Be wary of emails asking you to give out your personal passwords for accounts online. Or emails asking you to click a link and enter your password on the site. This site might be a fake sent by hackers "phishing" for victims. 

8. Primary Email Address. 
Don't divulge your primary email address on unfamiliar sites. You 
might be bombarded with unsolicited emails by marketers who 
sell your address to third parties online. 

9. Free Accounts 
Set up several free email accounts with a psuedo name to handle 
spam, when you register with unfamiliar sites, or to use on chat and message boards. 

10. Chat Line And Message Board Warnings. 
Don't release personal information on chat lines or 
message boards. This is one way many identity thefts occur.


Web Conferencing - What is it?

Web Conferencing is, very simply, a meeting, conference or seminar that is held over the World Wide Web. Web conferencing can refer to audio, video or text-based conversations and are conducted in real-time. 

Web conferencing is an incredibly useful resource for anyone who trades within a global market place. It literally allows you to be in two places at once - sitting at home or in your office whilst conducting a meeting with someone one the other side of the world. 

In its simplest form web conferencing can take the form of free downloads such as Microsoft NetMeeting or Yahoo Messenger. Subscribers can participate in text-based 'chats', inviting others into their conversations and being able to communication in real-time. Add a simple digital camera to this equation and you have the beginnings of an elementary web conferencing application. 

At the other end of the scale, the most sophisticated applications allow seminars and presentations to be made to hundreds of delegates at the same time. Meetings can be fully interactive, allowing question and answer sessions, the sharing of files and documents and slide show presentations to be broadcast. 

What Can I Do With Web Conferencing? 

How you choose to use web conferencing will very much depend upon your line of work. A webinar (an online seminar) is less interactive than a web meeting, but is a very effective means of presenting sales pitches, performance reviews and delivering staff training. 

A web meeting on the other hand, can be fully interactive not only in terms of audio and video but also by allowing the sharing of documents and files and viewing them online. 

What is Online Collaboration? 

Online collaboration is an excellent resource for project management, especially when team members are located in different geographical locations. Online collaboration provides an advanced level of document management and file sharing. Documents and files can be viewed, modified and updated online and in real time. 

What Are The Benefits Of Web Conferencing? 

The main benefits of web conferencing are to be found in terms of time and money savings. The need for travel is greatly reduced, and therefore so are the associated costs of travel - tickets, accommodation, subsistence, to name but a few. Employees spend less time waiting for flights, travel or just generally being away from their desk and therefore have more time to spend productively. 

Enhanced communication is another benefit of web conferencing. Where colleagues could perhaps only meet face to face a few times a year, for example, web conferencing allows them to meet on a daily basis, if required. With people talking more, work gets done more efficiently and more accurately. 

How Much Does It Cost? 

The cost of web conferencing depends on how sophisticated an application you need. Low-level, one-to-one systems can be set up these days for virtually nothing. The most advanced systems, unsurprisingly, can run into thousands of dollars. Careful research, however, and thoughtful analysis of what you need from a web conferencing system can allow you to budget accordingly and match a system to your needs. The chances are, if you are spending money on travel then you will recoup the cost of your web conferencing software over time.


Web Ecommerce: Where To Begin?

In web ecommerce, you are going to find a wealth of information about what it is and what it can do for you within minutes of looking on the web. The problem with this is, it is hard to sort out the good from the bad and the worthless from the maybe-worth-something options. Relying on the bad stuff will leave you broke and everyone is in search of the best options to make them a ton. So, where do you begin when it comes to web ecommerce? 

In order to help you get started with web ecommerce, here are some of the things that anyone on the web selling can do to make their business more profitable and more potentially interesting to their buyers. 

• Provide quality and something that is user friendly to the client. If you want to sell, you need to convince them that you have something that is better than what is out there or something that isn’t out there at all. You need to provide for them a good experience as well. 

• Sales and promotions work as they would in the retail setting of a store. To get people in and buying, offering incentives can definitely help. 

• Provide a great looking website for them to visit. Make sure that it is user friendly and that it is easy to navigate as well. Things like photos and graphics that are exciting and appealing are great tools to use as well. 

• You can also do well by offering things like chat rooms and blogs that keep up the readership to your website. Allow them to play a role like this and they will likely book mark you and come back for more web ecommerce action! 

Web Ecommerce can be a remarkable tool when you use it well. So, as your first step, take the time to explore what ways you can create a great place for your customers and how you can make sure that they come and come back.


What is google talk ?

The advent of Internet has affected lives of almost the entire world and websites, e-mails and chating on net none need any introduction even for young kids. There is an outpour of websites throughout the Internet all offering numerous services to attract the potential visitors online. The question actually matters is what’s the foolproof way to keep visitors glued to a particular site and not jump to other numerous sites that are upcoming each new day. What makes one of the web pages much more popular than the other when both are based on almost similar theme. The answer lies in the way of presenting the information and the simplicity with which the users can avail services offered. 

One site that has proved to rise at a highest pace in the web world in a shortest span of time is unarguably the google. It’s been a hot favorite amongst the search engines on web and the one that is most preferred by web users. It’s simple design targeting only the specific service that it intends to provide and a very efficient scripting language behind the scene has won a top position among the most popular sites in the web world. Google the name actually does not require any introduction it’s already headed on top of the list for advertisers and regular or casual visitors on net. 

Some time back the Google team started the service of e-mail even that caught the fancy of online visitors in a very short time. It offers its users with lots of free space on Internet around more than 2000 MB and still amount of space is increasing each day. One more aspect that makes it different from its counterparts is membership-acquiring process, which is possible only through invitation by anyone already using Google. 

Next, good news is that the Google team is shortly coming up with its new venture for offering instant messaging services for its users. Just as the earlier performances by Google this too promises to be a messaging service with a difference. It definitely would offer newer facilities and opportunities for its visitors something quite better than what the existing chatting services offer. The facility would be readily available for existing users of gmail account and others can also avail this opportunity to create a gmail account and register themselves at the Google site. 

Just as e-mail has been popular around the globe similarly the instant messaging system captured the hearts of frequent visitors on web. A client “Gaim” in required to be installed on the computer that wants to use the Google instant messaging services. This client program is capable of performing various tasks required by its users. Apart from the new registrations pouring in by the advent of Google talk current gmail members would also be more than happy as now they would not need two id’s on their computer one for e-mails and the other for instant messages. Google talk makes it easy for all its members to manage their entire Internet requirements at one single place i.e. the Google site and to add flavor to already existing recipe is the news that all of this is free


What's the difference between vbuzzer and instant messenger

A new communication tool called vbuzzer is very hot recently. Most people already found it's a useful tool. But there are still a lot of people can not find the difference between vbuzzer and instant messenger after their first look of the software. 

Basically, vbuzzer can call to PSTN but instant messenger can not. 

This is a very important feature that vbuzzer has. If you got the instant messenger and your buddy is offline, what can you do? Some of them offer you a way to send cell phone text message to them but it's still not enough if it's urgent or, you just want to chat, now. 

With vbuzzer, you can call your buddy directly with a very low rate; the quality is like a phone. Even more, you can get a PSTN number, so when your buddy is not online, he can still call you!

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